VIDEO> Newt Gingrich he and Paul Ryan plotted to sabotage the US Economy...
I know DKos readers are aware that on January 20, 2009, Paul Ryan plotted to sabotage the US Economy with 11 other GOP Congressmen plus Newt Gingrich plus GOP Propaganda Minister Frank Luntz....
View Article"Can I quit now" email from Bush's Michael Brown on day Katrina hit
Thinkprogress reports that Bush's FEMA bozo Michael Brown complained that President Obama is working too quickly on Hurricane Sandy -- no shit!BROWN: “One thing he’s [Obama] gonna be asked is, why...
View ArticleRomney Supporter Rep.Steve King"Hurricane Sandy Aid Must Have Strings Attached"
We have Romney who disingenuously said that spending Taxpayer money on FEMA is "immoral." I say that is disingenuous because Romney wants to actually take Taxpayer FEMA money and give it...
View ArticleThom Hartmann Video> Paul Ryan Plotted to Sabotage Economy w/ 14 GOP...
Thank GAWD Thom Hartmann, on his radio show, broadcast that VP candidate Paul Ryan plotted to sabotage the US Economy on January 20, 2009. I am hoping that everyone reading/watching this will...
View Article(Video) Romney says "We need, as a Society, a Prohibition on Abortion"
In 2007, Romney said "We need as a Society, a Prohibition on abortion. Notice, Romney admits his religion is not the reason he wants our entire Society to have a "Prohibition" on abortion --...
View ArticleNorquist admits: I wrote GOP Pledge when he was 12yrs old - GOP so dumb they...
The "People's" government is being held hostage by the Republicans in Congress who obstruct the People's work from getting done because they signed a "I hate the Government" Pledge that was...
View Article#Zimmerman Edits out "F'cking Coon" from 911 Tape He Filed with Court in...
George Zimmerman filed a lawsuit against NBC claiming that NBC made him (George) look racist in a edited 911 tape they aired. The thing is, when George Zimmerman filed his Complaint with the...
View ArticleWithout Trying NRA's LaPierre explained why America DOES need to Ban Assault...
Wayne LaPierre, who is head of the NRA implied today that people with equal firepower don't die -- yet -- LaPierre had to surround himself with armed guards today because obviously LaPierre doesn't...
View ArticlePresident Bush: Bush policies created "Depression Greater than the Great...
In November 2008, W Bush attended the Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy. W Bush gave a speech at the summit where he openly admitted the possibility that after 8 years of his...
View ArticleGun nut Bob Owens' chilling note: killing unarmed citizens and killing...
On January 7, 2013, Bob Owens, who writes or does something for the failed frightwinged Pajama Media, wrote the most chilling, psychotic, paranoid blog I've read in a long time. The blog entry...
View ArticlePA. Police Chief Mark Kessler Posts Illiterate, Paranoid Rant Against PA....
Notice all the misspelled words in his rant. For the record, there is no evidence, at all, that Bob Reynolds did anything Mark Kessler is accusing him of. In fact, to date, Bob Reynolds has only...
View ArticleZimmerman's lawyer: "The gun was holstered under his shirt, and it stayed...
Was that comment by Mark O'mara part of O'mara's contrived: George Zimmerman Public Relations Plan? Regarding the incident where George Zimmerman assaulted Shellie's father and Shellie feared...
View ArticleRep. Jason Chaffetz (R) Yes, I "Absolutely" Cut Embassy Funding Thus GOP Let...
I know everyone already knows that in 2009, Darrell Issa, Jason Chaffetz, Paul Ryan and the other House Republicans voted to cut funding for Embassy Security from President Obama's Embassy Security...
View ArticleTed Cruz's "Defund" is a Fundraising Gimmick for Koch Bros Orgs to Rake in...
I have no idea why the media has not "followed the money"Follow the Money: All the money leads back to Koch Brother's organizations. Ted Cruz is a conman who is gaming people with this Fundraising...
View ArticleEric Cantor, Kevin McCarthy & Jim DeMint: Plot To Sabotage US Economy in...
Koch brother's employee Jim DeMint ... ah ... has been plotting to sabatoge the US Economy since January 20, 2009 along with House GOP Leaders: Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy. That's...
View ArticleAt this point: the GOP Shutdown is Driven by Pure TeaParty Hate
Ok, so we all know the TeaPatry kooks hate: government, America, democracy, voters, women, poor people, education, research, science, medicine, reading, facts, Medicare, Medicaid, Feeding the...
View ArticleEric Cantor & GOP Leaders Plot to Sabotage US Economy in Secret Meeting
I think we should all remember that on January 20, 2009 (inauguration day) GOP House Leaders & GOP Senators plotted to sabotage the US Economy with Newt Gingrich and GOP Propaganda Minister...
View ArticleRand Paul signs HALF his family up in DCexchange & Son in KYexchange Then...
Why didn't Rand Paul sign his unemployed adult son, who is the under 25 year old college student who was charged with assaulting a female flight attendent last year, up with the rest of Rand Paul's...
View ArticleRand Paul Spent $12 Million To Get His Job But Says Unemployed Do Not Need...
According to wikipedia, Rand Paul collectively spent $12 Million to get his job. The campaign attracted $8.5 million in contributions from outside groups, of which $6 million was spent to help Paul...
View ArticleKoch's CATO says 'Corporate Welfare Costs Taxpayers $25B every 3mnths' -- UI...
The GOP in Congress continue to hold extension of unemployment insurance, UI, in exchange for "CUTS." Ok, here's a cut - Corporate Welfare.Koch Brother's CATO Institute says Corporate Welfare costs the...
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